Who is World Medical Card For? The short answer is for everyone!
The World Medical Card was developed after too many reported delays and life-threatening situations occurred whilst travelling and trying to communicate medical conditions to health professionals abroad.
Why was the World Medical Card Created?
Delays and miscommunication could be dangerous should an emergency arise. A World Medical Card could save your life if you have any medical conditions because your complete self-generated medical profile is with you wherever you go. World Medical Card is more than a basic medical alert or ID card. It offers an app and physical card with codes developed to the World Health Organization standards so that your medical conditions can be recognised anywhere in the world.
What Can You Do with the World Medical Card?
With the World Medical Card, you can upload medicines and prescriptions, surgeries and implants, vaccines, allergies, donor status, X-rays or hospital records, photos of non-prescription medications, diagnoses and insurance details. You will have an encrypted and secure personal profile that can be accessed via the App or browser. You can share your profile with a medical professional anywhere in the world should you need medical treatment. But that’s not all! The App can translate your medical information into 135 languages if required. In non-emergency situations, it can also help you locate doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies wherever you are. You can also share your profile with relatives, travel partners or others you trust so that they can provide you with a first line of support.
What are the Benefits of the World Medical Card Membership?
When you sign up, you can also opt-in to receive a physical card for your annual membership. Once you’ve populated your profile, it will contain all your unique medical information sealed inside.
In an emergency where power or the internet is unavailable, a medical professional can obtain your card and access your medical history to ensure speedy and accurate treatment.
Your medical information is coded according to the World Health Organization’s global standard codes to ensure that health professionals and pharmaceutical personnel worldwide understand your condition and requirements.
Your medical alert card has a unique password for emergency access to your profile, which allows you to avoid misunderstandings about your health and achieve fast and correct medical treatment.
Who is World Medical Card For?
The World Medical Card is ideal for individuals, families, those with severe conditions, employers who wish to better their employee benefits, and businesses who want to offer their clients more. The good news is that membership is affordable, making it accessible worldwide.
At World Medical Card, we genuinely want to see an end to delays in medical treatment and misdiagnoses due to communication barriers. We should all be prepared for the unexpected, and the World Medical Card can offer you peace of mind and extra reassurance, whether at home or abroad. Our customers love the product, including elderly relatives, whole families, those with medical conditions such as anticoagulants and epileptics, and those with severe allergies. Our members also include adverturers on specific medications who wouldn’t fly without their World Medical Card in their wallet and their latest prescription and dose uploaded to their App.