Health Professionals
Treat patients without delay!
The World Medical Card® provides a unique solution for health professionals to support their patients.
Members securely store their essential health-related information, making it easily accessible through the App or physical card in an emergency anywhere in the world.
Treat patients without delay
The World Medical Card® could save your patient’s life.
Our solution is a user-generated online profile, physical medical alert card and App that holds the patient’s vital medical information. Medical professionals and first responders can use the information to provide their patients with fast and accurate treatment in an emergency.
Developed using the World Health Organization’s Codes
Developed using the World Health Organization’s global standards codes (ICD-11 and ATC), the World Medical Card® ensures that health professionals and pharmaceutical personnel worldwide understand their patients’ conditions and requirements.
No more lost time looking for info – How World Medical Card® works
Members create a World Medical Card® profile, which contains their medical information. They can upload up-to-date medical information, including medicines and prescriptions, surgeries and implants, vaccines, allergies, donor status, X-rays or hospital records, photos of non-prescription medications, diagnoses and insurance details.
World Medical Card® is available on the App, online and as a physical card. Members are encouraged to take the card wherever they go, at home or abroad.
The Card – In case of power failure
The card has a unique password for emergency access to your patient’s profile. If the patient is not conscious, tear open the card and read the coded information written by the World Health Organization’s global standards codes (ICD-11, ATC) or use the emergency login code found on the card.
The App – Translates into 135 languages
If the patient can access the App, you can translate their medical information into 135 languages, access their emergency contacts, insurance details, and complete medical history.
Don't delay! The World Medical Card® is there to help you give speedy and accurate treatment to your patient. It could help you to save their life.

Our goal is to help you help the patient
Has a patient given you their World Medical Card®?
Or has an unconscious person with the card been brought to your practice?
Health professionals can use the Emergency login code on the World Medical Card® card to access the patient’s vital medical information and provide them with speedy and accurate treatment.

Health Institutions
World Medical Card® provides retirement homes and health institutions with a product that makes their daily lives easier and safer.
Our group subscription is designed to relieve you of administrative burden, making adding people and patients a breeze.
Individuals can maintain their medical records by signing into their online profile or App.
We aim to make everyday life easier for the employees and safer for the patients.
The World Medical Card® contains a user-generated medical history profile of its members. Available on the App and physical card, it is an important and practical tool for ensuring fast and safe treatment. User’s critical medical information can be used by professionals in case treatment is needed.
The World Medical Card® is built upon the standards of the World Health Organization. It allows health professionals all over the world to easily identify the patient’s critical medical needs. Members enter their diagnosis and/or medicines, and our system will add a code corresponding with the international coding system for diagnosis ICD-11 and medicines ATC. In addition, the system recognises extensive allergies, which allows translation into 135 languages. The World Medical Card allows users to take control of their medical journal and allows health professionals to act on the information.
The World Medical Card® is a personal emergency health information tool which can ultimately save lives. Along with the physical card and a secure web-based personal health profile, users can also download the App, which offers translation into 135 languages. The App is particularly useful when travelling as it also helps users communicate with people who do not speak the same language. If the user suffers from allergies, they can use the mobile solution quickly to deal with an allergic reaction.
The information in the App can provide more details than what is on the card. If the cardholder has chosen to do so, the App can have additional contacts, medical history, uploaded documents like travel docs, X-rays, vaccination records, copies of their passport and more.
No special equipment is required. If you cannot access the App, the card could be of great importance. When the seal is broken on the card, the information can be read as normal text. In an emergency, the card contains emergency codes which allow health professionals to access the patient’s profile.
The diagnoses and medications are printed in English and include the World Health Organization’s (WHO) standard codes: ICD-11 for diagnoses and ATC for medications. Allergies are also printed in English. Health personnel anywhere in the world understand the WHO codes listed inside the card.
In an emergency, the international instruction for medical personnel is to stabilize the patient’s health condition first, then try to establish their identity. We recommend users always keep their World Medical Card® together with their identification. The World Health Organization has provided guidelines for health professionals across the world.
The information on the App is more detailed than inside the card. In the card, you find medical information, emergency contacts and other relevant data you have chosen to add in text form. Additional information in the App can include more family contacts, medical history, and uploaded documents such as x-rays, insurance certificates, vaccination cards and more. The APP can translate medical information into 135 languages.
The information is available to medical staff immediately upon opening the sealed card. The user’s medical information is coded and printed in the card. By using the emergency access code, doctors can gain access to a read-only version of the user’s complete medical profile online, including any medical records. A QR code inside the card can also be scanned by a mobile device to go straight to the emergency log-in page.
We use the World Health Organization’s latest version of the (International Classification of Diseases), ICD-11, to code illnesses. For coding medications, we use official medication lists updated by the official health authority in the countries in which we operate. Medication lists are commonly based on standards developed by WHO: ATC (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification).
The allergy list is the result of a unique cooperation between top allergists in Norway and Sweden, together with comparisons to reference databases from large laboratories worldwide that analyse allergy blood samples. Allergy lists are available in 135 languages.
At the current time, there is no international classification system for allergies. Please note that our allergy database is extensive, developed exclusively for our use and that it is available in 135 languages.
All of our medical databases are updated annually, but in cases where new medications are available, then these are updated continuously. Our medical databases are approved by our Medical Advisory Board.
WMC Technologies collects official medication lists from the health authorities of various countries, and these are constructed in different ways. Some drug companies include the dosage in the medicine’s name, while others do not. We recommend users add dosage in their profile.