Why You Should Always Carry Your Medical Information

world medical card

Why You Should Always Carry Your Medical Information

In today’s fast-paced world, accidents and medical emergencies can happen unexpectedly. When seconds count, having your vital medical information readily available can make a significant difference in your care. The World Medical Card in your bag or pocket could save your life.

Importance of Medical Information

You could be on holiday, or your grandmother may not recall her medication at the pharmacy. Your teen could be severely allergic to a foodstuff, and your pacemaker, fitted in another country, may contain unique materials. These are just a handful of hundreds of scenarios where having your personal medical information on hand could save your life in an emergency.

Accurate and timely treatment in an emergency is crucial to your survival should anything happen. First responders and medical professionals need precise information to provide the proper treatment. Identifying allergies, especially abroad, can take time to do. An allergic reaction can become severe without appropriate identification. And if you suffer from severe allergies, you must carry the information. Your medical history can guide treatment decisions if you have a chronic condition. Should anything happen, or if you are unconscious, medical professionals need the info to treat you properly. And if you’re under medication, a list of your prescriptions, including dosage, can prevent adverse drug reactions.

How to Carry Your Medical Information

There are multiple ways that you can carry your medical information wherever you go. From medical ID bracelets to paper copies of X-rays and other documents, but can you safely carry them all with you at all times? What if you have multiple details you need on hand? There is a solution.

World Medical Card

The World Medical Card® is a physical medical alert card and App that holds your vital information. Medical professionals and first responders can use the information it contains to provide you with fast and accurate treatment in case of an emergency.

Membership to World Medical Card helps minimise the time before you receive treatment anywhere in the world. It is developed using the World Health Organization’s global standards codes (ICD-11 and ATC). The World Medical Card® ensures that health professionals and pharmaceutical personnel globally understand your condition and requirements.
World Medical Card® is for your safety in everyday life and when travelling.
Find out more here.

Be Prepared

By gathering and organising your medical information, you’re taking a proactive step towards your health, safety, and peace of mind. A small effort can significantly impact, especially in a crisis.

Remember, your health is your most valuable asset. Protect it by carrying your medical information with you at all times.

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